Imee Ooi의 영어 찬불동요 ‘어린이 부디스트송(Children Buddhist Song)’
삼귀의, 청법가, 사홍서원, 산회가는 법회의식을 할 때 반드시 나오는 현대음악이다. 이런 현대음악이 법회에 도입 된지는 그다지 오래 되지 않았다. 삼귀의나 사홍서원이 1970년대 초반 부터 도입 되기 시작 하였고 뜸 하다가 불교방송의 개국과 더불어 불교음악이 활성화 되었다고 한다.
“오늘은 좋은 날~ 부처님 오신날~.”
부처님오신날 연등축제 할 때 동대문운동장에서 자주 듣는 노래이다.
찬불동요가 우리나라에만 있는 것은 아닐 것이다. 세계각국의 불교국가들이 자신들의 언어로 된 고유한 찬불가를 가지고 있어서 어린이들에게 동요들려 주듯이 틀어 주고 있는지 모른다. 그런데 영어로 된 찬불동요를 발견 하였다. 세계공용어인 영어로 만들어진 찬불동요는 Imee Ooi의 노래이다. 영어권 국가의 어린이들을 위하여 만들어진 Children Buddhist Song을 들어 본다.
1. To Love Is To Care And Be Kind
To Love Is To Care And Be Kind
(Lyrics/Music: Imee Ooi)
Be kind to all your friends and family
Be kind to cats and butterflies and trees
Don’t hurt the fishes swimming in the sea
Here is what the Buddha says to me
To Love is to care for all living around us
To Love is to be kind to all beings around us
2. Don’t Be Angry
Don’t Be Angry
(Lyrics: Imee Ooi Music: Woon Yoke Fun)
If you’re angry
You’ll make yourself an ugly little child,
ugly little child
Put on a smile and cheer up
Make your daddy and mummy proud
La la la la la la la la
Anger scares your friends away
La la la la la la la la
So smile and brighten up your day
3. Compassion
(Lyrics: Imee Ooi Music: Woon Yoke Fun)
Praise the Lord, Lord Buddha
Embrace the world with compassion
Praise the Lord, Lord Buddha
*Maha karuniko natho
Hitaya sabbapaninam
4. Pass It on
Pass It on
(Lyrics: Daniel Yeo Music: Imee Ooi)
There is a gift from Lord Buddha
I like to share with my family
Share it with my friends
and take it round the world
and share it with all beings
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha’s wisdom stay on
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha’s love spread on
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha’s compassion flow on
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha’s Teaching goes on and on
5. Birth of the Buddha
Birth of the Buddha
(Lyrics/Music: Daniel Yeo)
In the ancient land
A child is born
Once in a time so long
And the gods and men
So they said
Homage to the Lord
*Namo tassa bhagavato arahato
6. It’s Great To Give
It’s Great To Give
(Lyrics/Music: Daniel Yeo)
It’s great to give, it’s a blessing to be able to give
It’s better for you to give than to always receive
Just like the Buddha, He perfected the act of giving
I wish one day too, I’ll be like Him
7. He’s Here For You and Me
He’s Here For You and Me
(Lyrics: Imee Ooi, Ven K Dhammika Music: Woon Yoke Fun)
If you have a problem
Don’t worry, hand it over to the Buddha
Just listen to Him and you will see the light
to all the darkness and miseries
Gautama Buddha, He’s here for you and me
By your side
Day and night
Rain or shine
Gautama Buddha, He’s here for you and me
Welcome Him to our hearts till eternity
Imee Ooi(黃慧音)
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