
찬불동요“우리들 마음속에 부처님은 항상 있어요( He’s Here For You and Me)”

담마다사 이병욱 2011. 10. 7. 19:56



찬불동요우리들 마음속에 부처님은 항상 있어요( Hes Here For You and Me)”




찬불동요 Hes Here For You and Me’를 이용하여 음악동영상을 만들었다. 배경화면은 지난 2011 5월 부처님오신날을 기념하기 위한 서울연등축제당시 촬영한 것이다.





2011 서울연등축제





동대문을 배경으로 하여 저녁 7시부터  어둠이 깔릴 때 까지 시간대별로 배열하였고, 영문과 한글번역문 자막을 붙였다. 한글 제목은 우리들 마음속에 부처님은 항상 있어요라고 정하였다.





Hes Here For You and Me(우리들 마음속에 부처님은 항상 있어요)







음성 : buddhistsong6.mp3 (Hes Here For You and Me’)






Hes Here For You and Me

(Lyrics: Imee Ooi, Ven K Dhammika Music: Woon Yoke Fun)

If you have a problem Dont worry,

hand it over to the Buddha.
Just listen to Him and you will see the light
to all the darkness and miseries.
Gautama Buddha, He
s here for you and me.
By your side,
Day and night,
Rain or shine,
Gautama Buddha, He
s here for you and me.
Welcome Him to our hearts till eternity.




우리들 마음속에 부처님은 항상 있어요

(진흙속의연꽃 번역)



문제 있어도 걱정말아요.

부처님에게 맡겨 보세요.

부처님의 말을 그냥 듣기만 해봐요.

모든 어둠과 슬픔은 사라지고 빛이 보일 거에요.

고따마 부처님은 너와 나를 위해서 여기 있어요.

바로 옆에,


비가오나 햇살이 비치거나,

고따마 부처님은 너와 나를 위해서 여기 있어요.

우리들 마음속에 부처님은 항상 있어요.




참고로 에 실린 찬불동요시리즈 mp3파일은 다음과 같다.




Birth of the Buddha


(Lyrics/Music: Daniel Yeo)


In the ancient land
A child is born
Once in a time so long
And the gods and men
So they said
Homage to the Lord


*Namo tassa bhagavato arahato

Homage to that Lord, the Worthy one,
Perfectly enlightened by Himself.




To Love Is To Care And Be Kind


(Lyrics/Music: Imee Ooi)


Be kind to all your friends and family
Be kind to cats and butterflies and trees
Don't hurt the fishes swimming in the sea
Here is what the Buddha says to me

To Love is to care for all living around us
To Love is to be kind to all beings around us





Don't Be Angry

(Lyrics: Imee Ooi Music: Woon Yoke Fun)


If you're angry
You'll make yourself an ugly little child,
ugly little child
Put on a smile and cheer up
Make your daddy and mummy proud
La la la la la la la la
Anger scares your friends away
La la la la la la la la
So smile and brighten up your day






(Lyrics: Imee Ooi Music: Woon Yoke Fun)


Praise the Lord, Lord Buddha
Embrace the world with compassion
Praise the Lord, Lord Buddha

*Maha karuniko natho
Hitaya sabbapaninam


The Lord, the Great Compassion
For welfare of all beings





It's Great To Give

(Lyrics/Music: Daniel Yeo)


It's great to give, it's a blessing to be able to give
It's better for you to give than to always receive
Just like the Buddha, He perfected the act of giving
I wish one day too, I'll be like Him





He's Here For You and Me

(Lyrics: Imee Ooi, Ven K. Dhammika Music: Woon Yoke Fun)


If you have a problem
Don't worry, hand it over to the Buddha
Just listen to Him and you will see the light
to all the darkness and miseries
Gautama Buddha, He's here for you and me
By your side
Day and night
Rain or shine
Gautama Buddha, He's here for you and me
Welcome Him to our hearts till eternity





Pass It on


(Lyrics: Daniel Yeo Music: Imee Ooi)


There is a gift from Lord Buddha
I like to share with my family
Share it with my friends
and take it round the world
and share it with all beings
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha's wisdom stay on
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha's love spread on
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha's compassion flow on
Pass it on, pass it on
Let the Buddha's Teaching goes on and on



출처 : 붓다네트, 부디스트송(http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/buddhism/budsong-lyrics.htm)




